Monday, 11 June 2012

Causes of divorce

There are seven causes of divorce, the first communication, lack of opportunity to communicate an intense, with good quality. Second, Unrealistic Expectations, hope the pair will change after marriage. Third, the 'Power' In Marriage, There are husbands who want to take control, there is a wife wants a set. Fourth, Role Conflict, in marriage there will be division of roles, such as who care for children, who make a living. Fifth, Love charm, some say rather than given a feeling of falling in love, it's better to maintain given the strength of love. Sixth, Affair (The Third) the existence of a third person to make a marriage difficult to sustain. And the Last, Sex this is the smallest of reasons for breakdown of a household.


Dating is very famous word in the lives of teenagers. For centuries now teenagers, dating is a natural thing, sometimes they feel proud because often replace their pairs, and even strange when someone who never dating. Dating usually start to appear during early puberty. Dating has a positive impact and negative effects. Positive sides of dating are if we utilize we can become a means to see the potential problems that will arise from the differences in ourselves, different walks of life so that later we and our partners are ready to anticipate the problems that arise if not desired. dating could be causing the spirit of learning for our partners can provide support to continue to learn so that we get a good achievement in school, and if we are in one school can inspire our partners to come to school every day. Dating can also make us more mature in dealing with everything else or problems. Dating makes us a better understanding of the situation makes us not spoiled, impatient, and learns to understand the feelings of others. Many people disagree with dating. Because according to them going out to have many negative impacts including; cause stress relationship with a boyfriend of course not as smooth as originally expected because there are differences in characteristics, backgrounds, and different wants and needs. That caused many problems in the relationship. Usually it will drain your energy and emotions and can cause stress to interfere with daily life. If think look and feel for a moment, perhaps dating was delicious and tasty and bring pleasure. Dating was sometimes makes narrow our intercourse, because we would rather spend time alone with our spouse, and can also lead to dependence on our partners. Negative impact of the worst of the dating is when a consequence-free sex is very bad and embarrassing parents, self-control very important role in dating. I think it can be used courtship as a means to train myself to be honest, loyal, and responsible, if we open with our partners, and want to share thoughts and feelings openly, honestly, come clean with our feelings towards our spouse's behavior. Dating may provide positive or negative impact depending on how we live our relationship. Don’t involve sexual activity in dating relationships because relationships are arguably false.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

my first time in yogyakarta

i went to yogyakarta when i 6 years old with my family, we went to malioro, taman sari and also parangtritis beach. i felt very happy because that the first time i visited in yogyakarta city, the city which have a beautiful nature and good culture, i think that yogyakarta is most beautiful city in indonesia. where we in malioboro we fell very interest with the think that sell in malioboro like a batik, sandals, bag, and etc. yogyakarta people makes that alone by their creativity so they can get mone y from their creativity. yogyakarta people are smart because that can improve the quality of yogyakarta city.

Monday, 4 June 2012

cell phone for children

In this globalization era there are many technology that can make we easy to do anything, one of them is the cell phone . A cell phone is a tool to communications the most simple and easily to bring. Everybody can have it until the son of being immature is sometimes has a cell phone. Someparents give their children cell phone to facilitates who should not yet to use cell phone and the other hand parents not agree to give that facilitates to their children because parents assume a cell phone impact negatvfe to their children . They assume if too early give a cell phone, a cell phone would disturb education or concentration learned. Some parents think a cell phone is a trend for their children because cell phone now not only for teenagers but also for children. They assume if a cell phone can make the children to be smart because the children can play game or browsing with their cell phone. Another parent give the cell phone too the children because the parent will know where the children are there example the children will be pick up at 10 o’clock. The parent also thinks if they give cell phone they can make their children happy. Although my opinion is cell phone can give negative impact to the children. The parent should think twice to give cell phone to their children because cell phone can make the children lazy to learn. If the children almost use the cell phone it make the children just play their cell phone and not doing anything, if the children ready habits from small until they adult the children also much do that in anytime.Now cell phone not only use for call and send a message but now cell phone has a many fiture as camera and internet acces, with internet the children can found some picture or video for adult that’s very danger for children. In conclusion parents may give cell phone if the parents can supervise their children when the use that cell phone and sociable about good using the cell phone. The parent must always advise the children to not always use the cell phone and remaind the children to study. If the parents are not able to give control and socialization to their child better parents do not give this facility before, wait until they got old enough to use of cell phone.